Rundvirke Industrier and its subsidiaries, as buyers of forest raw materials, users of forest land and manufacturers and sellers of processed wood products, shall work to ensure that the business is conducted in such a manner that we ensure and continuously improve the quality of our products as carefully as possible for the environment and for the employees.
Quality policy
Our product ranges are based on our customers’ needs and expectations.
- More than a hundred years of experience in the area together with the high demands we place on our products give the company good competitiveness.
- We always strive to improve quality and consider it a natural step to be able to offer the best possible product.
- All personnel have a high level of awareness of the quality requirements that are set for our products and services. Combined with solid expertise, this ensures that we can always deliver products that are a recommendation for new business.
- The operations that are certified according to ISO 9001 meet the requirements of the respective quality standard.
- Our personnel are trained and informed to meet the requirements of this policy.

Environmental policy
The environment must in all respects be a governing factor in the company’s operations. The following points should act as guiding stars in this work:
- Comply with laws and regulations that affect the company, and exceed them.
- Manufacture and transport products in such a manner that their environmental impact is minimised during production, storage, use and destruction.
- Advise our customers so that they can use, store and dispose of our products in an environmentally correct manner.
- Aim for minimisation/elimination of non-returnable waste. Waste that arises must be sorted at source and returned to the greatest extent possible.
- Always prioritise a good working environment.
- Actively encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt and maintain acceptable environmental standards.
- Always work for continuous improvements of the company’s environmental system and in so doing reduce the company’s impact on the environment.
- Meet quality and environmental requirements in the operations that are ISO 14001 certified.
- Work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by, for example, transporting wood raw materials and finished products by rail and ship whenever possible.
- Conduct operations and improvement work in such a way that adverse environmental impacts are mitigated.
- Work to recycle our waste products, and sort them to the greatest possible extent.
- Our personnel are trained and informed so that they can meet the requirements of this policy.